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EVERY SUNDAY, all kids (birth through 5th grade) experience fun, safe, and age-appropriate environments where they learn about Jesus through engaging worship, STORIES, GAMES, and hands-on activities. We are passionate about partnering with parents and teaching kids to follow Jesus. SOMIS KIDS MINISTRY gatherS during OUR 10AM SERVICE.

Why Somis Kids?

Somis Kids Ministry leaders desire to guide children in their relationship with Christ and to support families in raising lifelong followers of Jesus and become disciples.  With theGrow Curriculum, we teach children in a fun and interactive way about God.  We strive for children to feel safe, have fun, create and build relationships with others, and discover that God loves and accepts them beyond all means.

“Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it” Proverbs 22:6 

What Is Somis Kids Ministry Like?

Each Sunday, all Somis Kids classes will partake in prayer, worship, a Bible lesson, games/play time and a snack (typically crackers and water).

How Do I Check My Child In Upon Arrival?

If this is your first time visiting Somis Kids, please stop by the Somis Kids Check-in Kiosk. Someone from the Somis Kids team will guide you in scanning a QR code and completing an online form. Next, a name tag, diaper bag tag (if necessary) and security tag will be printed.  Once your family is in our database, check-in will be quick and easy.

Will My Child Be Safe? 

Every week at the Somis Kids Check-in kiosk, your family will be assigned a random, three-digit alpha-numeric security code that is on the child’s name tag as well as the parent security tag. You will need your parent security tag to pick up your child after service.  The Somis Kids team will not release your child without the matching parent security tag. 

During our service, all Somis Kids classrooms are secured and are only accessible by Somis Church staff and security team members.  If you need to get your child at any time, please knock on the door of their classroom and a Somis Kids leader will be able to help you.

All Somis Kids volunteers have completed the application process of an interview, training and a background check through SecureSearch database.

We take the safety of your child seriously!

How Will I Be Notified If My Child Needs Me?

Your child may need you during the service under the following circumstances:  excessive crying, diaper changing, or if medical attention is needed, etc.  Upon check-in, you will be prompted to provide a mobile phone number. If your assistance is required during the service, you will receive a text notification asking you to return to your child’s classroom.  Please be sure to have your mobile phone silenced and accessible during the service.